Saturday, March 10, 2007

Preparing for new cat and a walk

Less then two weeks until the new cat arrives, still no name. So today we went to the pet shop to buy some more things, we decided to buy one more catoilett, the same type as before since it works great For you who don't remember, its a self cleaning catoilett, that is, you turn it around and the lumps fall into a certain scoop. No need to dig into the sand! (This is how it looks)

Then we of course bought some more toys. The funniest toys so far has been toys that are not toys, but junk, preferably junk on a string. We also bought a harness and a leash and started to prepare for a walk. Previously this week we bought a new scratchy thing, since Tengil still prefers the carpet... But it didn't work. Fun to play with -yes. Good to use your claws on - no. I've also ordered some books about cats, but they haven't arrived yet. Yes, we buy a lot of stuff.

I've weight Tengil today, 1,9 kg. Yes, he is getting big!

Anyway, we put the harness on Tengil. It wasn't very easy since he thought it was something to play with. Once it was on we started to play with him and it went fine. He didn't seem to mind the harness, but did spend more time than usual throwing himself on the floor and rolling about. But all in all, it went fine. Now we also have to put on the leash and train him with that. The harness is just used for training when he's gotten fully grown, we'll buy a new, fancy one.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Working from home...

.. is not easy when you have a kitten. I tried this afternoon, but Tengil was rather active, which meant that I had to watch him and stop him from doing all kinds of stuff he shouldn't. Later he settled down and I discovered that he almost fell asleep if I stroke his ears.

Tengil likes to play with buttons, especially big buttons on cardigans. I don't know why, but he pulls and bites them. He discovers things to play with on the most strange places.

Now it's about two weeks until the second cat arrives. Before I used to think that Tengil and the new cat would be around the same size, even though, they are one month apart. But now I really think that Tengil has grown, he has definitely become fatter, so their size will probably differ a lot. I really hope that they will get along. We choose kittens who were rather active and enjoyed playing with their siblings. I really think they would benefit of each other, a human just can't play with a kitten as a cat would.